The new age grapevine today is unarguably Twitter, making it an exciting platform for marketers. While many brands are burning their pockets with high budget marketing campaigns, for others innovation and fan build up increased simply through ‘meme-jacking’.
Yet another compelling marketing tactic that is gaining popularity is ‘Live tweeting’. Not only is it a cost effective way, it also connects your followers and influencers in a never before manner. The best brands in the business today realise this and therefore have been using it successfully to promote an individual event (read Adidas) or product launch, or intelligently plugging in their brands during a high voltage event like the Oscars, something that Taco Bell did quite effectively.
Though the idea of live tweeting sounds quite rad, a brand needs to conceptualise the strategy around it well in advance. Some brands may have a way around ‘live tweeting’ like this one but not everyone!
We therefore are sharing with you an all round guide to live tweeting that would help you gear up for events and provide your twitter audience with relevant, important and engaging updates without road bumps.

If you are a community manager for a brand, an agency employee or a seasoned blogger looking for live tweeting as a marketing opportunity this infograph would make your preparation a cake walk! Always remember that ‘Live tweeting’ involves spontaneity and therefore don’t forget to have fun.
Do share your thoughts and experiences or any suggestions that may be valuable to our readers and before I forget ‘keep the battery charged’!
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